Saturday, March 17, 2012

Plants That are Considered Trivial were Of Huge Benefit

Talok or cherry is a plant that originated from sub-tropical regions. This type plant shrubs that have a scientific name Muntinga Calabura, ...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Efficacy And Prescription Of Breadfruit

Breadfruit plants is a forest plant height reaches 20 m and is well known throughout the world . Included in the family Moraceae ...

Trivial Plant That Has Many Benefits

The winged bean vines are used as a vegetable . These tropical plants flourish in all parts of Indonesia . In cultivation , it is...

Here Comes That Cat's Whiskers

Cat's whiskers or Othosipon Spp , this is the name of the medicinal plants instead of animals . Cat's whiskers are from ...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This Fruit Is Not Gelatinous

Fro is the name of chewy snack white oval and transparent and has a refreshing taste . And fro in the Dutch language called ...

Watercress Makes Sleepy Eyes, Right?

Watercress has a Latin name Ipomea Aquatica . Kale or cabbage swam , water or water spinach convovulus is a plant that grows ...

Flower Of Immortality

Edelweis or Edelweis Java ( Javanese Edelweiss ) is known as perennial flowers that have a Latin name Anaphalis Javanica is ende...