Thursday, March 15, 2012

Here Comes That Cat's Whiskers

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Cat's whiskers
or Othosipon Spp, this is the name of the medicinal plants instead of animals. Cat's whiskers are from tropical regions of Africa, then spread to Asia and Australia. These plants are erect trunked wet, at the bottom of the root in the books, 1-2 m tall, rectangular rod slightly grooved, short-haired or bald. Has a typical leaf-shaped, rounded oval, and taper at the end though there is also a blunt. On the leaf surface with spots because there are volatile oil glands. Cat's whiskers are very striking interest because there are white hairs elongate, generally straight horizontally but some are upright pointing upward and slightly downward. These plants live in the lowlands and the area that has a height being.

In general, plants are propagated by stem cuttings or branch cuttings. Rod used is not too old stems and cut the size of 15 cm - 25 cm or segmented about 2-3 books. These seeds can be planted directly in the garden with a depth of 5 cm and the soil around the seeds should be compacted.

Cat's whiskers plant has considerable benefits in the world of medicine. Utilization of the cat's whiskers exist in all plants, can be used wet or dry (first ignored and then dried in the sun). Here are some diseases that can be treated with cat's whiskers:
- Streamlining spending urine.
- Rheumatism.
- Cough.
- Cold.
- Constipation.
- Back pain.
- Kidney stones.
- Diabetes.
- Hypertension.

The use of cat's whiskers is 30-60 g (dry) or 90-120 g (wet) boiled or dry / wet can be brewed as a tea. Other than the cat's whiskers are also consumed in pill form that is ready to drink.

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