Thursday, March 15, 2012

Trivial Plant That Has Many Benefits

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The winged bean vines are used as a vegetable. These tropical plants flourish in all parts of Indonesia. In cultivation, it is usually given a brace but if left unchecked will cover the soil surface. Height 3-4 m and trunked cylindrical, jointed, and rarely woody. Compound leaves with three leaflets triangular and single flowering types of butterflies, growing from axillary leaves with pale blue petals. The fruit pod-type, elongated and rectangular with a corner beringgit, with a length of 5-35 cm and a width of about 2.5 cm.

Dariumbi this plant, stem, leaf, flower and fruit all have benefits. At the root of the host can not be eaten after boiling, and can also be made chips. In Myanmar, winged bean tubers are usually boiled until tender and eaten as a snack with vegetable oil and salt. The flowers can be eaten raw as a salad or salad, boiled or fried mushrooms that taste like. Besides flowers can also be processed into condiments, spices, candies and natural dyes. Here it is the most frequently used is in the fruit, commonly used as a vegetable or used as a salad. In Bangladesh are fried and eaten with fish or meat.

In addition to the above, obtained from various studies, it was very much winged benefits and even outperform other types of plants. Here are some of the benefits of this plant;

- Slimming body
By the Arab community, Pakistan and China, taking advantage of the winged bean seeds. Winged seeds which can be used as traditional medicine for skin health, slimming the body and enhance sexual arousal.

- Drug sprue
Other benefits exist in winged bean tubers can be used as medicine by mouth ulcer plus rock candy.

- Drugs in shape
Benefits of the winged bean leaves can be used for energy recovery or drugs in shape.

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