Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Flower Of Immortality

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or Edelweis Java (Javanese Edelweiss) is known as perennial flowers that have a Latin name Anaphalis Javanica is endemic plants in the montane zone or the high mountain range in Indonesia. This plant can reach a height of 8 m and has a trunk of a human foot. But this time, plants that flower is often regarded as a symbol of love, sincerity, sacrifice and immortality is becoming scarce.

Edelweiss is a pioneer plant to plant in young volcanic mountains and forests are able to survive in a barren land. This plant is suitable to grow in conditions of heat in an open area in the crater and the summit, can not compete to grow in the dark and damp forest.

Edelweiss parts are picked up and taken down from the mountain for reasons aesthetic and spiritual, or just a memento by the climbers. Within certain limits only small pieces are picked.

Research has been done indicates that the edelweiss can be propagated easily by cutting the branches. Therefore, the pieces may be sold to visitors to reduce pressure on wild populations.

Source : id. merbabu .com

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