Saturday, March 03, 2012

Apparently Tread Dara Many Benefits

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Tread virgin (Catharanthus roseus) is an annual herbaceous plant from Madagascar. This plant has spread to other tropical regions. Plants that can grow in any place is often kept as an ornamental plant because of easy maintenance. Based on the color of the flowers can be divided into two types of white and red.

Tread virgin propagated by seeds are soft. Only by spreading the seeds into the soil and then watered, the plants have been able to grow, but must be accompanied with enough water to prevent wilting. Media planting a mixture of fertile soil, compost and manure (2:1:1). These plants should be placed in the shade. When the plants start flowering can be given a fertilizer that has a high phosphorus content, so the plants can bloom throughout the year.

Tread virgin turns out to have many benefits, what are the properties? Below are some of the properties of the tread virgin

1. Diabetes mellitus (diabetes or diabetes)

Provide 10-16 tread virgin leaves and then boiled in 3 cups water to boil down to 1 cup. After a cold drink and repeated until sembuh.Bisa well with only 3 bay leaves and virgin tread 15 tread virgin flowers boiled with 4 cups water to boil down to 1.5 cups, drink morning and evening after meals.

2. Anemia

Four tread virgin flower buds are washed and soaked in a glass of water. Immersion should be done outside the home during the night. Then the next day on the strain and drink.

3. kidney stones

Take a handful of leaves tread virgin, wash and then in three cups of water until the water by half. After a cold drink twice a day.

4. Asthma and bronchitis

Take a piece of the root weevil tread virgin, wash and then boiled with five glasses of water by half. Once cool, strain and drink twice a day.

5. fever

Take 12-20 grams of virgin tread leaves, stems and roots of 3 pieces of tread virgin and then boiled with 4 cups water to boiling and 1.5 cups water to live. Palm sugar can be added, taken morning and evening.

6. anemia

4 tread virgin white flower buds soaked with a glass of water, then placed outside the house overnight. Drunk in the morning and do it regularly.

7. shaking hands

Take 4-7 leaves tread virgin then pour a glass of hot water and filtered and drunk.

8. burn

Several tread virgin leaves plus 0,5 handfuls of rice soaked with water, then pounded together until smooth. How to use pinned on burns.

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