Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Refreshing Mint

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Who is not familiar with mint leaves, everyone would know it because the leaves are used as a mixture of various products. Small-sized leaves that are often used as garnish cakes and mixed drinks. Mentha cordifolia or better known as the mint is a plant that has a very distinctive aroma. The aroma is fragrant and cold is because the oil content of oil astiri menthol.

leaves not only a refreshing breath of efficacy, but also has banyah uses and able to overcome some health problems, here are a few:

1. Digestive system
Mint leaves are a healthy appetizer. Because mint condition can soothe the stomach. mint aroma will activate the salivary glands and the glands that produce digestive enzymes.

2. Nausea and headache
A refreshing scent of mint is a potent drug to treat nausea. Smell the aroma oil of mint or fresh mint leaves to decrease nausea. When applied, the headache will also be reduced.

3. Respiratory distress
The aroma of fresh highly effective relief to the respiratory tract by opening nasal congestion, tengorokan and lungs. Mint flavor can also help to overcome cough.

4. Asthma
The use of mint on a regular basis can help people with asthma because it can provide relaxation and help relieve breathing.

5. Skin care
Mint juice is great when used as a face mask. In addition to smoothing the skin, infections, rashes and acne can also be resolved. Mint can also cope with mosquito bites.

6. Oral health
It's certainly a lot of people know the benefits of course. Because of its ability to cope with germs and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, no wonder your mouth and breath fresh when we be borne in rutinn use.

7. Cancer
According to recent studies, some of the enzymes contained in the mint leaves to help fight cancer cells.

To keep the leaves fresh mint as beneficial and should keep out of place frozen. Mint leaves can be stored in the refrigerator but do not put in the freezer because it can affect the taste. It's good mint leaves also are not exposed to outside air because it will allow the bacteria attached. Proper storage is to store the mint leaves into a plastic or airtight containers to be safe from bacteria and keep it fresh. Make sure the mint leaves in a clean state before it is stored and do not let any remaining water on the leaves of mint as fast dirt will stick to the mint leaves.

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