Saturday, March 10, 2012

Shy But Helpful

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Shy daughter (Mimosa Pudica) is a member of the tribe of short shrubs legumes are easily recognizable because its leaves can quickly shuts itself off when touched. Daunya cover only temporary because after a few minutes it would have recovered as before. This is because the occurrence of leaf turgor pressure on the bone. These stimuli can also be felt dauun that does not go untouched. These plants also mengucup at sunset and after sunrise broke again. This plant closes its leaves to protect themselves from plant-eating animals that like to eat it. The color of the bottom leaves women ashamed berwaran paler, showing a pale color, animals that eat plants are meant to be thought that these plants have withered and become no longer interested in eating it.

Actually, this plant has many benefits and may be only a few people who know. Utilization of plant embarrassed daughter diverse, ranging from leaves, roots, whole plants, fresh or dried. For external use as a wound, suppurating skin inflammation (piodermi), herpes fresh by destroying crops, and then placed on the affected part.

This plant can also be used for several other diseases, such as:

1. Insomnia

Take 30-60 grams of boiled leaves women ashamed then drink the water.

2. Chronic Bronchitis

Take 60 grams of the root of the daughter of shame mixed with 600 cc of water and boil over low heat so that a 200 cc. Then the water is split to 2 drinks.

3. Cough with phlegm many

Take the root of the daughters of shame as much as 10-15 grams of boiled and water drunk.

4. Rheumatic

Take 15 grams shy daughter roots immersed in 500 cc of white wine for 2 weeks. Then affixed to the sick place.

Chinese medical experts as well as Indonesia and the U.S. research indicates, these plants can be used to treat various other diseases such as acute eye inflammation, malaria, urinary stones, and high heat in children. Only the use shy daughter roots in high doses can cause poisoning and vomiting. Pregnant women are also forbidden to drink the potion because it can harm the fetus.

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