Sunday, March 04, 2012

Apparently Small Helpful

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Coriander is used to grow crops and orchards were planted in the lowlands to the mountains. Coriander plant usually grows only reach a height of one meter off the ground. Shape into small seed is almost similar to the pepper, but not as hard granulated pepper. This plant has a very sharp odor. In addition to seeds, celery-like leaves are often used as a topping in a food such as soups and salads.

In addition to the spices of coriander also has many benefits as below:

1. Foreign drugs

Crushed coriander dough in advance and then be mixed with water and other materials (for abdominal bloating plus katuk, red onion and betel nut) (for headache plus Piang seeds, betel leaves, bangle and girlfriend Java) and then placed on the sick.

2. Drugs in

Its use by boiling and then added some other ingredients, boiled water is filtered and drunk regularly. This method is used to treat high blood pressure (plus celery), influenza (plus ginger, garlic and honey leaf), cough (plus cinnamon, cat whiskers and palm sugar).

3. Please also note that coriander can to lower blood sugar by stimulating insulin secretion. This herbal plant also known as' anti-diabetic plants ". Coriander helps the performance of the heart by lowering bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

4. In addition to the foregoing, coriander can also clear acne, by way of coriander powder mixed with turmeric powder and enough water to be applied on pimples and blackheads.


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